Let us have a round table discussion about grade 4 learners

Let us have a round table discussion about grade 4 learners

Only learners in Pre- Primary One ,Grades One,two to Three, Standard Five to Seven and Forms One to Three will be reporting to school.​ Third Term will run from May 10, 2021 to July 16, 2021.The Grade Four learners completed their Third Term in March and are awaiting to join Grade Five in July 26.
Schools will reopen for the Third Term after a seven-week break to a unique crash academic programme amid tight health measures due to the Covid-19 pandemic.Third Term is usually the shortest in the school calendar and will last only two months as teachers race to complete the 2020 syllabus.
Total grade four  learners in Kenya are 1,392,385 which include 347,636 in 14,086 private schools and 1,044,749 in 23,157 public schools,will not be reporting to schools despite efforts by several private school owners to initiate various extra-curriculum programmes to accommodate the learners in schools during the two months they are required to be home, Prof Magoha ruled out the possibility of having the pupils from private schools engaged in any form of learning.
He said before the school calendar was revised, the ministry engaged all stakeholders, including those from private schools.
This disagreement between the C S and the private schools about children of grade 4 is not healthy for the eduction of children in Kenya.There should be another meeting to iron out the the existing differences.According to the children act 2010 Every child has the right to education and protection.Every child should have the means to go to a classroom and have access to books,learning materials that can enrich their intelligence and skills.The​ 5 P's of child protection are Prevention, Paramountcy, Partnership, Protection and Parental Responsibility. Let the government be aware of these P's​ which protect a child.
But leaving these young children below the age of 12 alone in the home is very dangerous because of several issues. Some parents are usually very happy when children are in school and they don't need to employ people to look at their children at home.But here is a scenerio where the child is left at home while his brother or sister in grade 1,2 and 3 is going to school.This class 4​ learners could be the one guiding his sibling to school.Nowdays homes have become dangerous as there are constant fires,rape,abductions and injuries children who are left alone at home can get.Children sometimes like adventure.These children can also leave home to go and steal,be knocked down by a vehicle or get lost when they leave home.The best remedy is to allow this child to come to school.There are many things the child can do in school.There are life skills which the child can learn,do art,music and also do sports and continue with revision which will keep him/her busy and also do practical things they were taught.An ldle mind is a devil workshop."Fahali wawili wakipigana nyasi ndio huumia".For the sake of the children safety let the CS allow these children to join others in school.
Veronica onjoro
PhD student Mount Kenya University
Author,Lecturer,Publisher and motivational speaker



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