Corruption in Kenya affect education sector

 Corruption in Kenya affect education sector

Former Ministry of education cashier was jailed by a Nairobi court for one year or to pay a fine of Sh 600,000.This is after trial magistrate Felix Kombo found Perminus Kamau Njoroge guilty of stealing Sh 12,980,000 from the Ministry of Higher Education after the prosecution prove the graft charges against him beyond reasonable doubt.A senior Quality Assurance Officer at the Ministry of Education will pay a fine of Sh6.3 million or serve two years in jail for stealing public funds.George Otieno Odhiambo, was convicted for embezzling Sh2.9 million of the World Bank and Government of Kenya Education Sector Support Programme in 2009.Kenya's Ethics and anti-Corruption Commission said Enos Magwa, who served as a deputy director for education was convicted of stealing 1.3 million shillings and false accounting of 1.9 million shillings in 2008.Magwa was sentenced to three years in jail and fined 3.6 million shillings. Failure to pay the fine could result in an additional two years in prison, the commission said.Kenya's education sector has been wracked by allegations of graft for years.A visit to some Counties in the rural areas paint a picture of schools where learning goes on under trees or classes made of mud.Education is a fundamental human right and a major driver of personal and social development.ln education sector, corruption erodes social trust, worsens inequality, and sabotages development. Types of corruption in education sector range from,embezzlment of funds, academic cheating to bribery and nepotism in teaching appointments to bid-rigging in procurement of textbooks and supplies.Corruption in education threatens the well-being of society because it erodes social trust and worsens inequality. Corruption sabotages development by undermining the formation of educated, competent, and ethical individuals for future leadership and the labour force.Corruption in primary and secondary education affects policy making and planning, school management and procurement, and teacher conduct. Other examples include cheating and other academic violations; bribery, nepotism, and favouritism in school admissions, teacher appointments, and licensing of education facilities; bid-rigging in the procurement of textbooks and school supplies; diversion of funds and equipment; teacher absenteeism; and exploitation of schoolchildren for sex or unpaid labour.There is allegation of parents bribing principals for their children to be admitted to schools.During the 70's,80's and 90's parents dreamt of a good education to their children while the children admired people who had a better education.But due to corruption children now days admire and dream of good clothes,good cars and wealth instead of working hard for

 them.Corruption can also influence the way that students view success in life. In some cases, young people even suggest that they don’t have to work very hard at school in order to have a good life,they might do just fine if they are able to get a government post, for they be­lieve that they could amass a huge personal fortune through corruption. Whether it is true or not, such a view is indeed very disturbing and dangerous for the country. Students who did their KCPE in 2019 were the most affected by lack of fees to proceed to secondary schools because their parents are poor,lost jobs and the corruption going on in the Country.There has been ongoing corruption cases of MP's,Governors and NYS scandal.These cases impact negatively on the young mind of people and students and it is the cause of lack of jobs affecting young people in Kenya.Breakdown of Ksh1.3 billion spent in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic showed that Sh42 million had been spent on leasing ambulances, Ksh4 million for tea and snacks, and Ksh2 million on airtime. Kenya takes to corruption as fish to water. Ranked 144 out of 180 countries on Transparency International’s 2018 Corruption Perception Index, it is no wonder the country is perceived as one of the world’s most corrupt countries.The expenditure was part of the Ksh1 billion donated by the World Bank for an emergency response that was to cater for the procurement of personal protective equipment, medicines and the setting up of isolation facilities.But even with the few funds available, counties have been under the spotlight, suspected of extravagance and embezzlement.

Veronica onjoro


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