Declare tree planting a national exercise

 Declare tree planting a national exercise

Let the government declare planting of trees as a national disaster so as to save Kenya's environment and life.Environmental conservation is key to Kenya's development.Farmers in the Country should take advantage of the rain to plant as many trees as possible.There are many by product of trees which are beneficial to human beings and the environment.One of the most dangerous and unsettling effects of deforestation is the loss of animal and plant species due to their loss of habitat.Not only do we lose those known to us, but  those unknown, potentially an even greater loss.Seventy per cent of Earth's land animals and plants live in forests,and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes.The trees of the rainforest that provide shelter for some species also provide the canopy that regulates the temperature, a necessity for many others. Its removal through deforestation would allow a more drastic temperature variation from day to night, much like a desert, which could prove fatal for current inhabitants.Therefore each farm should plant  between 10 - 20 trees,  depending on the size of the farm.lf a farm plants 10 trees per month how many trees would be planted in a year? Cutting down of trees causes global warming.Lack of trees also allows a greater amount of greenhouse gases to be released into the atmosphere.Kenya as a Country tasted the lack of rain in the country recently.This brought heat waves, escalating food prices and the delay to plant crops.Some of this predicament comes about with the cutting down of trees and not protecting the Mau forest which is Kenya's water tower.This cost Kenya over 100 billion in the economy as Counties are not able to provide water to residents and they end up using water which bring about diseases.Currently there is an outbreak of cholera as a result of lack of clean water.Hotels which use firewood should be compelled to plant 20 trees per month at areas set aside for tree planting so that they replace the firewood they use.This will help regain back what the environment has lost.Planting of trees has a long-term benefit to a Country.Kenya is rich in biodiversity containing deserts, Savannahs, wetlands,coral reefs and 1 million hectares of indigenous forest.This is only 3 % compared to the whole country.Instead of it being added people invade forests and cut down trees making the Country a desert.A lot of conservation efforts are needed because environmental conservation in Kenya greatly benefits it's economic and social development.Sustainable development can help Kenya achieve the government big 4 Agenda and transform the country into a clean,secure and middle income nation.Chiefs  in the rural areas should make sure each homesteads has planted trees and any piece of land  measuring an 1/8 of an acre,a tree should be planted.The focus on environmental conservation in Kenya benefits agriculture, alleviates poverty and promote sustainable development.Poverty increases with the scarcity of productive soil,clean water and effective sanitation.Trees are life. Trees also help control the level of water in the atmosphere by helping to regulate the water cycle. With fewer trees left, due to deforestation, there is less water in the air to be returned to the soil. In turn, this causes dryer soil and the inability to grow crops.Trees also function to retain water and topsoil, which provides the rich nutrients to sustain additional forest life.Without them, the soil erodes and washes away, causing farmers to move on and perpetuate the cycle . The barren land which is left behind in the wake of these unsustainable agricultural practices is then more susceptible to flooding, specifically in coastal regions.ln Kenya there are communities which plant trees when a child is born.Also some elders in some communities still use the forests for prayers.They believe that God hears prayers in pure forested areas. When he/she grows up,the proceeds from the tree educates the child.Planting of trees should be a way of life in Kenya.ln institutions there are timetables for lessons, therefore trees should also be incorporated into schools and institutions timetables.Let the government declare one day  for tree planting for all civil servants,teachers and private companies and those self employed.Failure to which 2019 March - April climate change will enact it's play again in 2020.I commend Parliament for going paperless during this current session when they return from recess.This will help reduce the trees which would have been cut and will save the government Sh 15 million a year in printing and photocopying cost.Let this planting of trees in Kenya help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.People should change and be environmental friendly so that climate change does not change the environment for worse.
Veronica onjoro
PhD student Mount Kenya University
Publisher,writer, counsellor, motivational speaker, lecturer


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