Let CUE reconsider the decision on Executive Masters degree

Let CUE reconsider the decision on Executive Masters degree

There has been a lot of debate about degrees,universities and politicians lately that it is also good to bring up the issue of executive masters degree in Kenya. Nearly all universities in Kenya offered executive masters degree and as a result of suspension by CUE many people may lose their jobs and many people who pursued this executive master's degree may suffer at their places of work and other untold consequences. This executive masters degree was intended for experienced leaders analysts, decision makers, and managers in domestic and international organizations, and in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors. The program equips public service leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to design and implement effective and sustainable solutions to unprecedented global challenges. The executive master's degree is intended for professionals who already have significant hands-on knowledge, the postgraduate Executive MBA (EMBA) degree is designed to give those who enrol, the tools necessary to progress in their careers. You can work while studying, since the real- world experience enriches the learning environment. When the students enrolled they were promised all this and internationally the executive master's degree is offered abroad in nearly all universities. The challenges faced today are global in nature, and they require visionary individuals who can work seamlessly across sectors and geographies to effectively address them. This program, which will equip leaders to develop sustainable, innovative solutions to these unprecedented global challenges, is exactly what is needed in the 21st century. For CUE to suspend the executive master's degree and say that those who have the executive master's degree as null and void, is not fair at all. Those who went through these executive master's degree are company directors,government workers,politicians,Teachers,bosses,lecturers and many more who favoured this program. They spent colossal amount of money,time,energy studying and got the desired skill and knowledge. Some are lecturers, Teachers,bosses,others are deans of these programs,while others are pursuing PHD as a result of going through these executive masters degree. When l compared the units offered in Executive Masters degree and another University's master's degree in project planning, l found out that they had similar units offered in course work except the name of the certificate. Let us not throw the baby with the birth water. Those who pursue executive masters degree,go through the same process as those who have other master's degree and it does not take one year as documented. What CUE should be concerned with is what universities are doing in research,publishing,innovation,patenting, call for conference and collaboration with industries. This will propel Kenya into great heights academically. Such an announcement has not been made in Eastern African countries nor academic giants like Nigeria,South Africa, Egypt nor Britain,America or India etc. Let our leaders not be in haste to make such  drastic decisions which may have greater repercussion in Kenya's education system. We live in a global world and what happens in Kenya happens in other countries. Let CUE rescind this decision of suspending the executive masters degree in Kenya. Among the 17 sustainable development goals is ending poverty,end hunger,achieve food security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture, ensure healthy lives and promote well- being for all at all ages. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong  learning opportunities for all, achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, promote sustainable,inclusive and sustainable economic growth,full and productive employment and decent work for all, build resilient infrastructure ,promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. If the executive master degree remains suspended won't some of these sustainable development goals not be achieved in Kenya?
Veronica Onjoro


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