
Showing posts from July, 2019

Cultural Centre in Mombasa County and Custody of Rich Material Culture in Tourism in Keny

INTRODU CTION Mom basa Coun ty is rich in histor y, arts, ancient and nob le5trad itions , with wond erfu l sea scapes , goo d beach es, old tow n,hot els an d cultu ral ar eas. 5Mo mba sa, the secon d la r gest city in K eny a is de eply r oo ted in histor y . All the se cultural , his torical, landsca pe5va lues form the f unda men t of n ational ident ities an d at th e same time a ne w r e-sou r ce, in tim es of gr eat pe ople mobi lity, when trave l beco mes th e discov ery o f new5p laces and ancie nt times, a cha nce to m eet pers ons a nd cu ltur es. Be aches in sou th o f Mo mbas a ar e the quin tessen tial tr opica l parad ise, with th ousan ds of coco nut tr ees. The num ber of t ouris ts is qu ickly incr easin g in M ombas a with 5that, the r eques t fo r cultu ral and sust ainable tour ism is in cr easing

Acquisition of Skills and Training and Its implications on Employment in Kenya

Acquisition of Skills and Training and Its implications on Employment in Kenya By Veronica Onjoro Mount Kenya University Abstract Skills   are   the   at tributes   that   help   workers   adapt   to   new   jobs, overcome   obstacles,   develop productive   relationships   with   the ir   co-workers   and   supervisors   and thrive   in   the   workplace.   A skill   mismatch   survey   carried   out   by   the   Federation   of   Kenya Employers   (FKE)   and   published revealed that  many corporate bodies  are establishing academies  to retrain  fresh graduates so  as to make   them   suitable   for   the   roles   they   are   appointed   to.   In   the   recent crisis   of   rising   youth unemployment,  policy  makers and  researchers  suggested  the  strengthening of  vocational  training to  facilitate   school- to-work  transitions   and   to  lower   youth unemployment   rates   (Zimmermann   et al., 2013).  S oft skills  are  character traits,   att