Let the clergy give Kenyans space

Let the clergy give Kenyans space
Let the clergy give us peace

Catholic priest Stock Image

I was surprised when retired bishop Eliud wabukhala forwarded his name and was interviewed for the position of Chairman of  EACC and eventually only his name has been forwarded and he will be interviewed in Parliament in January in order to clinch the Job.ln case he would have wanted another job, his church would not have hesitated and employed him to serve other areas. But to retire and take on a sensitive job is not only not fair but not considerate. How many people are outside there who have not retired and are jobless? Is he ready like the way Filipino President told President Obama that they will fight like pigs and immerse themselves in dirt?  Look at what happened to previous predecessors and  is he ready to be pushed in  the dirt ? ln Mombasa, when l used to meet men of the cloth in the streets walking with their white collars, most of them were  absentminded thinking of the next day sermon or problems of their Shepherds and how they will conduct prayers for them. But nowadays when l meet the clergy,  l cannot differentiate between a businessmen and people of the clergy because of their clothing,houses,lifestyle and cars they are driving which are big  and  state of art range of vehicles. Look at the one who is now waiting for a jet to be delivered  while parts of Kenya are experiencing drought and famine, so insensitive. The late Bishop Boniface lele of Mombasa Catholic diocese could drive himself around and you could not know that he had already arrived inside the church, such a humble person.Kenyan souls need God and salvation but the people to give them salvation are nowhere to be seen.lf Bishop wabukhala meets a corrupt a person, will he call for prayers  first before undertaking investigations? Kenya as a country is riddled with corruption cases while the men of the cloth are calling for fundraising in their churches.The people need salvation more than a roof over their heads.The buildings will remain but they will carry their  soul and bodies with them.When church leaders invite politicians to their churches, it is not to preach the word of God for them to hear but to hear political statement they have come with. Let us have more people bringing Kenyans back to hear word of the God and change as the bible says so as to save Kenyans civilization. Let bishop wabukala's conscious disturb him that by January before Parliament resume, he will throw in his towel and resign like lawyer David mereka who dropped out of IEBC interview citing age and two-third gender  rule and to allow younger applicants to take charge  of the next IEBC.Over to you
ByVeronica OnjoroMombasa


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