Let the Country of Uganda be opened

 Let the Country of Uganda be opened

Kenya,Uganda and Tanzania share a common border and trade together.What affects one Country affects the other Countries.Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda have cooperated with each other since the early 20th century. The East African Currency Board provided a common currency from 1919 to 1966.The three African Great Lakes countries are partners in many areas, particularly in the trade, infrastructure, security (military), education, agriculture and energy sectors.From 1961 to 1965, the two states along with​ Tanzania were united in the East African Common Services Organization, a​ common​ with a loose federal structure.Kenya and Uganda were also founding members of the original​ East African Community​ (EAC), which later collapsed due to ideological differences and territorial disputes within itself. Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania re-established the EAC in July 2000. This has contributed a great deal in improving trade and overall relations between Kenya,Tanzania and Uganda.The countries are both inhabited by significant​ Swahili-speaking populations, and share significant cultural similarities.The lockdown in Uganda could spell trouble in the long term for landlocked Uganda, which relies on Kenya’s port of Mombasa for imported goods.​ The economies of the two African Great Lakes countries are tightly interwoven. Kenya is Uganda’s top trading partner in Africa.Over the last 24 years, Ugandan exports to Kenya have steadily increased at an annualized rate of 12.7% up from US$16.1 million (€13.3 million) in 1995 to US$282 million (€233 million) in 2019 mainly due to increased exports of maize, milk, and sugar. Uganda is Kenya’s leading export destination in Africa, accounting for 28.6% of Kenya’s total exports on the continent in 2019. Key Kenyan exports to Uganda include refined petroleum, palm oil, iron, and salt.
Covid-19 pandemic has affected the three Counties and all the Countries have put up containment measures to reduce or stop the disease from spreading.The elephant in the room is Uganda which closed schools and any movement in the Country except essential ones.We have been told that this Covid will not go away and Countries have to live with it as they manage the Covid-19 disease.The closure of businesses and movement in Uganda has affected its neighbours.Most Ugandans in search of jobs and trade have crossed to Kenya and are offering cheap labour in Kenya, rendering Kenyans jobless.Trade in neighbouring town like Busia and Malaba have greatly been affected.Kenya had to take the bull with its horns and opened schools with restrictions being provided so that the disease does not spread.But closing institutions for a long time will affect education standards in Uganda in future.ln Kenya,the the education sector is managing the lost terms so as to recover fully.Therefore the two Presidents of EAC should prevail on President Museveni to open the Country.The business in the neighbouring towns have collapsed and there is an influx of Ugandans who have invaded the towns.Kenyan as a Country is loosing the foreign exchange it was getting from Uganda and the traders who used to trade in Uganda have become bankrupt.This will affect Kenya 's economy greatly in the great run. Let each Country learn from one another on how to contain and manage the Corona virus disease.Let Countries continue opening up their borders to trade and tourism so that there is smooth running in each Country without closing the borders or the Country.
Veronica onjoro
Directors careers organisations


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