Heckling of Ida Odinga in Meru was uncalled for

 Heckling of Ida Odinga in Meru was uncalled for

I condemn in the strongest term.possible the heckling of lda Odinga during a prayer day for catholic women in Meru.Mama Ida Odinga, was on Saturday, March 26, while gracing the Catholic Women Association  prayer day was heckled by Catholic women despite being an invited guest at a women's event. Mama Ida Odinga tried to make her remarks but the hostile crowd refused to be addressed by her. She pleaded with the Catholic Women during their special celebration of the annunciation in Meru County,that she is a mother like them but they continued heckling as the crowd grew hostile with heckles and chants filling the air.Meru people are known to be very welcoming and kind.Having been at the Methodist University Meru campus,l interacted with many people in Meru who were very welcoming and even families were ready to host us students in their homes.When l saw the clip of lda Odinga being heckled,l was both sad and shocked.Women drowning the voice of lda Odinga and even the MC, a reverend Sister pleading with them did not deter them.There were people in the crowd making noise and they were many.They were moving in the crowd, making noise and incited some of the Catholic Women.These allegations should be investigated and whoever is responsible should take the blame.The Catholic church advocates for peace and tolerance that is why they have an organisation called peace and justice which advocates for equality for every human being.It is just recently when the mother of the head of state was abused in very bad terms.l condemn all this.Why now, when we have the campaigns? Why are these campaign so vigorous that women are now getting it at the end of the stick.Let women be respected regardless of their position in the society.The heckling was uncouth and uncalled for, maybe even immature, why would you invite someone to your function that you dont want them to speak.Those who heckled sank so low on this one. Let them pick fights and political theatrics with Mr Odinga not his wife.Let them imagine if it would have been their wives, what would they have done.They have mothers and they should know that she should not be judged because of her husband failures.The women would have known that it is a church function and not a political function.Men don't fight women in public,that was very low.Other churches cannot allow such a scenerio and it can put the leaders into a big problem.Let this be the first and the last a woman is put to shame because of her family connection.The Catholic doctrine advocate for tolerance of other people and their faith.Let Meru Catholic Women Association tender an apology to mama lda Odinga and such a thing should not happen again. Catholic social teaching on human dignity is 'We believe that every person is precious'
The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society.1Jn 4:7  says “Let us love one another, because love is of God”.Only by recognizing that each of us has value can we proclaim justice for all.l wonder if the prayers were done or received by out almighty God.

Veronica onjoro
Director Career organisation
Catechist Mombasa


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