Degree not needed to run as M P is very unfair indeed

 Degree not needed to run as M P is  very unfair indeed

I received the news that the High Court has annulled a section of the Elections Act 2012  requiring those aspiring for election as MP's to have University degrees with shock.To quote the late state man of South Africa Nelson Mandela who posited "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”  “The power of education extends beyond the development of skills we need for economic success. It can contribute to nation-building and reconciliation.How can Kenya improve technologically and improve in innovations so as to create job opportunities and attain vision 2030 which is 8 years to go but only through Education.This quote by Nelson Mandela is one of the most famous qoutes on the value of education. Nelson Mandela also added that no country will develop and improve without the citizens being educated.An educated person knows how to acquire desired skills by identifying and utilizing available resources, deconstructing the process required for learning a particular skill, and experimenting with potential approaches.But Justice Anthony Mrima held that Parliament never invited the public to participate and proceeded to enact a discriminatory law. He was of the view that the August House needed to consider national statistics, to consult with experts in devolution and educational matters in order to come up with an inclusive law.
Justice Mrima found that Section 22 (1) (b) (i) of the Act fails to factor in those who are in universities and will not have earned a degree at the time Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) will be clearing aspirants for the 2022 elections.According to the judge, it is unfair to place a pedestal on leadership based on a university degree.
If members of parliament who approves national budget don't need a degree to run an office, then degree requirements in any position should be quashed.Meanwhile the courts in Kenya are making students in school to devalue education.Members of parliament,MCA's and Senators are paid more than phd teachers and lecturers in the Universities.
Unlearned paid more than learned then unlearned rules and give laws to learned members.What's the essence of learning poor kenya bade policies to.
Very heartbreaking considering huge amount of money degree holders pay in Universities for 4 years.The ruling has jumbled learned and unlearned in one basket,the difference is the politics.
It is an abuse to citizens who have strived to get University degrees through thick and thin and moreso some are jobless and by giving jobs to people some who have birth certificates only.Considering some committee members who are involved in inviting those concerned to elaborate on issues in their dockets eg security,education,governance etc How do such M P 's without degrees conduct themselves? That is the reason corruption is deep rooted as some MP's do not know their roles.An educated person knows how to make productive use of knowledge; they know where to get the knowledge that they need, and they have the ability to organize that knowledge into a plan of action that is directed to a definite end.Here where degrees are not needed,we have lost out.Concerns about the level of education among the top leadership came to the fore in 2017 and 2018 when more than 50 MPs failed to make any contribution in the National Assembly and later requested Speaker Justin Muturi to organise another induction to understand parliamentary procedures and practice.One of the benefits of education is that the educational system teaches us how to obtain and develop critical and logical thinking and make independent decisions,improvement of the economy and creating a modern society.But courts in Kenya are bringing back Kenya to where the country was  before.Will Kenya ever compete with developing Countries like Singapore ? Kenya has put the cart before the horse.

Veronica onjoro
Director Career education


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