Kenyan women should not celebrate the international women day

Kenyan women should not celebrate the international women day

I observed without happiness how women in Kenya celebrated the international women day on 8th.In Kenya there is nothing to celebrate about. Women are not empowered politically, economically and socially wise.ln Kenya there is nothing to celebrate. The day came about when the 47 governors were meeting at their fourth devolution conference. Is there a woman governor ? No. ls there  provision for getting one in case none is elected? Who knows? On the political scene how many parties are wholely owned and run by women?Are these parties active in Kenyan political scene?If a day is declared as a day of men,how many  men will be celebrated? A stadium will not be enough. A woman need to be given space,time and support in order to bring change. Are Kenyan women in control of the economic, political as well as social welfare of the country?We have countless women in all spheres of life who are yet to be recognised, but still stand out embracing their womanhood without attacking men.  Kenyan women are to be seen and not to be heard. On the social media women are portrayed as sex symbols but men as the drivers of economics and political pundits. Women in Kenya  need to be bold for a change. A lot is lacking. A strong women inspire and gives her children strength. How many CEO's are women in Kenya? If women will be exempted from paying nomination fee, we can call for a celebration. How many women are battered and killed in Kenya? There are no more mekatilili wa menza,wangu was makeri,the late prof wangari wa maathai etc.At the political front,the ruling party and the opposition lack women face and the majority of voters are women. Do women prefer voting for men  rather than fellow women? Women are their own worst enemies. As we do not have a woman presidential candidate Kenyans women should not celebrate yet. Kenyan women  were there but we got lost on the way and we are wondering in the wilderness like the Egyptian in the desert waiting for our Moses.l did not celebrate the day because Kenyan women have not achieved what they can celebrate about. The gender rule was defeated in parliament. Political intrigue,chauvinism and apathy contributed to the shooting down a bill that would have given women more seats in  parliament. Members of Parliament opposed to the Gender Bill ganged up to boycott the vote despite months of lobbying for the proposal meant to comply with Article 27 of the constitution. What are Kenyan woman celebrating about? Our heroes are slum women who eke their daily living, feeding and clothing their children to make ends meet. Today, because of economic hardship, many families depend on the woman for provision of daily needs,but still remain devoted to their role. If we fight for our space successfully we can sit down and celebrate but not now.
Veronica Onjoro


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